TitleBallroom dancing on British and American 19th-century music covers
NamesChampney, Benjamin, 1817-1907 (Artist)Dubois, George, 1811-1888 (Artist)Grain, Frederick (Artist)J.H. Bufford & Co (Lithographer)Sarony & Major (Lithographer)Wagner & M’Guigan (Lithographer)
CollectionPrints depicting dance
Dates / OriginDate Issued: 1820 - 1869 (Questionable)
Table of ContentsThe Bohemian schottisch, danced at Her Majesty's state balls, composed by W[illia]m Willson; London, Duncombe & Moon -- The celebrated varsovienne [Boston?, Oliver Ditson?] -- The dark sett, the celebrated Negro quadrilles, as played by all the quadrille bands, arranged for the piano forte by S.O. Dyer; New York, Firth, Pond, 1848 / Lith. of Sarony & Major -- Jullien's original mazurka, or the Cellarius valse ... composed by [Louis Antoine] Jullien; New York, Firth, Hall & Pond / Bufford & Co.'s Lith. -- Lawrence quadrilles, selections from popular quick steps, as performed at the Grand Inauguration Whig Ball at Faneuil Hall, Mar. 4th, arranged for the piano forte; Boston, Henry Prentiss, 1841 / B. Champney del., B.W. Thayer's Lith. -- Quadrille millitaire [sic], Les Hussards, a new millitary [sic] quadrille composed for the piano forte, with original figures by C.A. White ... ; Boston, Oliver Ditson, 1865 -- Queen Victoria's dances ... ; New York and Philadelpha, E. Ferrett / Lith. of Wagner & McGuigan -- Selection of favorite country dances, embracing 15 popular airs [London, Musical Bouquet] -- The tournament waltzes, composed ... by A. Fleche; New York, Atwill / E. Browne Jr. del., N. Currier's Lith. -- Waltzes, cotillions, dances, etc. from the works of the most eminent composers; New York, Bourne / F. Grain del., Lithography of Pendleton.
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZFD Bal 15-24
TopicsBallroom dancing -- England -- 19th centuryBallroom dancing -- United States -- 19th centuryQuadrille (Dance)WaltzDance music
GenresPrintsSheet music coversScores
NotesAcquisition: Lawrence quadrilles Gift; Lillian Moore.Acquisition: Bohemian schottisch Purchase; Norman Crider, 1970.
Physical DescriptionLithographsExtent: 10 prints : chiefly lithograph, chiefly b&w ; 35 x 27 cm. or smaller.
DescriptionRepresentations of ballroom dancing on the covers of sheet music intended for home performance. Most of the images depict women in evening gowns and men in formal evening attire or military uniforms; an exception is The tournament waltzes, in which the dancers wear Elizabethan costume. Their surroundings, when shown, are usually opulently decorated ballrooms, many lit by chandeliers. The musical scores (not included in this collection) cover a range of popular ballroom dances of the period: the mazurka, quadrille, schottische, and waltz among them.
Type of ResourceStill imageNotated music
IdentifiersRLIN/OCLC: 792893175NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b19609225Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 0eaeaee0-f27b-0132-ff2d-58d385a7b928
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