TitleDi goldene ḳeyṭ: ḳlasish-ḥsidishe drama in 4 aḳṭen miṭ a prolog
Additional title: Golden ChainAdditional title: גאלדענע קייט [פראגראמקע]
NamesPeretz, Isaac Leib, 1851 or 2-1915 (Author)Schwartz, Maurice, 1890-1960 (Director)Perlmutter, Arnold, 1859- (Creator)פרץ, י. ל (Author)שווארץ, מאריס (Director)פערלמוטער, א (Creator)
CollectionYiddish theater collection
Yiddish theater programs
Dates / OriginDate Issued: 1920 (Inferred)Place: New YorkPublisher: H. Kaufmann Publishing Co.
Library locationsDorot Jewish DivisionShelf locator: **P (Program) No. 27
TopicsJewish artsYiddish Art TheatreYiddish dramaTheater, Yiddishאידיש קונסט טעאטער
GenresTheater programsProgramsPortraitsPlans
NotesStatement of responsibility: fun Y. L. Perets, rezshisirṭ fun Moris Shṿarts, muziḳ far dem shṭiḳ fun A. Perlmuṭer.Statement of responsibility: Irving Pl. Theatre, Maurice Schwartz, director; Max R. Wilner, gen. manager, The Modern Yiddish Theatre Co., Inc., Lessees; The Modern Yiddish Theatre, Irving at Fourteenth Street, New York.Performers: Cast includes Maurice Schwartz, Liza Zilbert, Bertha Gerstin, Madame Schorr, M. Samuiloff, Lucy German, J. Goldstein, Madame Verkauf, Madame Liansky, I. Dubinsky, S. Krause, Muni Veisenfreind, A. Teitelbaum, Mr. Verkauf.Creation/production credits: Stage staff includes Herman Fever, Martin Schwartz, Harry Harrison, Sh. Edelheit, Solomon Krause, Jacob Bakst, Barkey Friedland, Benjamin Eisenger, Alex Chertoff, Hugo Auswirth, Meth & Gropper.Language: In Yiddish and English.Statement of responsibility: פון י. ל. פרץ, רעזשיסירט פון מאריס שווארץ, מוזיק ספעציעל פאר דעם שטיק פון א. פערלמוטער
Physical DescriptionExtent: V. : ill. ; 22 cm
Type of ResourceStill imageText
IdentifiersRLIN/OCLC: 910631290NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b20635360Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): db9d1bc0-0b9c-0133-da7e-58d385a7bbd0
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