All Collections

Narrative of the British mission to Theodore, king of Abyssinia: with notices of the countries traversed from Massowah, through the Soodân, the Amhâra, and back to Annesley Bay, from Mágdala.
Narrative of the British mission to Theodore, king of Abyssinia: with notices of the countries traversed from Massowah, through the Soodân, the Amhâra, and back to Annesley Bay, from Mágdala.
4 items
Raccolta di quaranta proverbi toscani
Raccolta di quaranta proverbi toscani
4 items
Récits des temps Mérovingiens
Récits des temps Mérovingiens
4 items
Sir Walter Scott collection of papers
Sir Walter Scott collection of papers
4 items
Tamara Toumanova photographic Scrapbooks
Tamara Toumanova photographic Scrapbooks
4 items
Washington Irving collection of papers
Washington Irving collection of papers
4 items
John Shaw Billings papers
John Shaw Billings papers
4 items
Uta Hagen and Herbert Berghof papers
Uta Hagen and Herbert Berghof papers
4 items
Costume designs for Ruth Page
Costume designs for Ruth Page
4 items
Pierre Toussaint papers
Pierre Toussaint papers
4 items
Our mutual friend
Our mutual friend
4 items
Dance observer
Dance observer
4 items
Monumental news; devoted to monumental and kindred interests
Monumental news; devoted to monumental and kindred interests
4 items
The book of instruction in the elements of the art of astrology
The book of instruction in the elements of the art of astrology
4 items
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus
4 items
Lincoln in photographs : an album of every known pose
Lincoln in photographs : an album of every known pose
4 items
4 items
Mina Curtiss collection
Mina Curtiss collection
4 items
Emile Ardolino Video Archive
Emile Ardolino Video Archive
4 items
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: miscellaneous printed materials
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: miscellaneous printed materials
4 items
Cia Fornaroli collection of costume drawings and prints [items in mats]
Cia Fornaroli collection of costume drawings and prints [items in mats]
4 items
William Stanley Braithwaite photograph collection
William Stanley Braithwaite photograph collection
4 items
The Moslem sunrise
The Moslem sunrise
4 items
Souvenir collection of costume designs
Souvenir collection of costume designs
4 items
Nuzhatnâmah-i 'Alâ'î  ('Alâ'î's Book of Pleasures)
Nuzhatnâmah-i 'Alâ'î ('Alâ'î's Book of Pleasures)
4 items
Liljan Espenak Dance/Dance Therapy Collection
Liljan Espenak Dance/Dance Therapy Collection
4 items
Sophie Maslow Video Archive
Sophie Maslow Video Archive
4 items
The George Balanchine Foundation Essays Video Archive
The George Balanchine Foundation Essays Video Archive
4 items
Jeff McMahon Video Archive
Jeff McMahon Video Archive
4 items
Barbara Mettler Video Archive
Barbara Mettler Video Archive
4 items
The Life of Robert Fulton / by Cadwallader D. Colden ; illustrated by Thos. Addis Emmet M.D
The Life of Robert Fulton / by Cadwallader D. Colden ; illustrated by Thos. Addis Emmet M.D
4 items
Paul Jacobs collection
Paul Jacobs collection
4 items
Robert Boucher papers
Robert Boucher papers
4 items
Oratorio Society of New York
Oratorio Society of New York
4 items
Four manuscript letters of petition to Lord Byron from Venetian strangers
Four manuscript letters of petition to Lord Byron from Venetian strangers
4 items
William and Richard Dry manuscript material : 4 items
William and Richard Dry manuscript material : 4 items
4 items
Jacob Druckman collection of noncommercial sound recordings
Jacob Druckman collection of noncommercial sound recordings
4 items
NASA photographs
NASA photographs
4 items
International Gay Information Center collection. Ephemera - Organizations
International Gay Information Center collection. Ephemera - Organizations
4 items
The Oracle
The Oracle
4 items
Results 2,841 - 2,880 | Top
Robert Burns Collection of Papers
Robert Burns Collection of Papers
4 items
Alexander Jackson Davis papers
Alexander Jackson Davis papers
4 items
Prints by Hans Bol
Prints by Hans Bol
4 items
John Martin papers
John Martin papers
4 items
A. J. Swayne anonymous lady's friendship album
A. J. Swayne anonymous lady's friendship album
4 items
Martin B. Duberman papers
Martin B. Duberman papers
4 items
Jean Garrigue Collection of Papers
Jean Garrigue Collection of Papers
4 items
International Gay Information Center collection. Ephemera - Bars
International Gay Information Center collection. Ephemera - Bars
4 items
Constance Lindsay Skinner papers
Constance Lindsay Skinner papers
4 items
Richard Rodgers scrapbooks
Richard Rodgers scrapbooks
4 items
Sketches from nature
Sketches from nature
4 items
Smyth of Nibley papers
Smyth of Nibley papers
4 items
The Gentleman's magazine
The Gentleman's magazine
4 items
Views of Paris, France and its environs
Views of Paris, France and its environs
4 items
Vingt années de vie africaine : récits de voyages, d'aventures et d'exploration au Congo Belge, 1874-1893
Vingt années de vie africaine : récits de voyages, d'aventures et d'exploration au Congo Belge, 1874-1893
4 items
Circulars no. 1-4
Circulars no. 1-4
4 items
Isadora Duncan programs and announcements
Isadora Duncan programs and announcements
4 items
The illuminated pictorial directory of New York
The illuminated pictorial directory of New York
4 items
The Hotel monthly
The Hotel monthly
4 items
Bobby Kork Collection
Bobby Kork Collection
4 items
Frank M. Sutcliffe's photographs
Frank M. Sutcliffe's photographs
4 items
Ser un hombre chapin
Ser un hombre chapin
4 items
Camera work
Camera work
4 items
Simeon A. Stearns papers
Simeon A. Stearns papers
4 items
Milton Avery
Milton Avery
4 items
The Clothier and furnisher
The Clothier and furnisher
4 items
4 items
The American photo-engraver
The American photo-engraver
4 items
Coney Island
Coney Island
4 items
A specimen of printing types
A specimen of printing types
4 items
4 items
4 items
The architect
The architect
4 items
A voyage to Africa with some account of the manners and customs of the Dahomian people
A voyage to Africa with some account of the manners and customs of the Dahomian people
4 items
4 items
Africa redeemed :
Africa redeemed :
4 items
Album of drawings of Sioux Indians.
Album of drawings of Sioux Indians.
4 items
America: being the latest, and most accurate description of the Nevv vvorld
America: being the latest, and most accurate description of the Nevv vvorld
4 items
American homes and gardens
American homes and gardens
4 items
An account of five aerial voyages in Scotland...
An account of five aerial voyages in Scotland...
4 items
Results 2,881 - 2,920 | Top
An account of the Rosetta stone : in three languages, which was brought to England ... in 1802
An account of the Rosetta stone : in three languages, which was brought to England ... in 1802
4 items
An appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans
An appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans
4 items
Australian aboriginals
Australian aboriginals
4 items
Aux Antilles
Aux Antilles
4 items
Cabinet card views of Mexico
Cabinet card views of Mexico
4 items
The Castle gavotte
The Castle gavotte
4 items
Church of the Crucifixion, Philadelphia, Pa., semi-centennial, May, 1847-May, 1897
Church of the Crucifixion, Philadelphia, Pa., semi-centennial, May, 1847-May, 1897
4 items
Collection of 9 Cyanotype Prints from the Yolo Base Line Survey
Collection of 9 Cyanotype Prints from the Yolo Base Line Survey
4 items
Comœdia illustré
Comœdia illustré
4 items
Congestorium Artificiose Memorie
Congestorium Artificiose Memorie
4 items
De Nieuwe en onbekende weereld
De Nieuwe en onbekende weereld
4 items
Die griechische plastik
Die griechische plastik
4 items
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche
4 items
Door West-Indië: Antillen, Panama, Venezuela, Britsch Guyana, Suriname
Door West-Indië: Antillen, Panama, Venezuela, Britsch Guyana, Suriname
4 items
Ernest Harvier scrapbooks
Ernest Harvier scrapbooks
4 items
Excursions daguerriennes
Excursions daguerriennes
4 items
Four years' residence in the West Indies
Four years' residence in the West Indies
4 items
From freedom to slavery
From freedom to slavery
4 items
Greater New York baby week, June 20-26, 1914. Purpose: To reduce the toll of preventable infant deaths by calling city-wide attention to needs met and needs not met for infant welfare in greater New York.
Greater New York baby week, June 20-26, 1914. Purpose: To reduce the toll of preventable infant deaths by calling city-wide attention to needs met and needs not met for infant welfare in greater New York.
4 items
Gustav Scholer papers.
Gustav Scholer papers.
4 items
Histoire de l'Isle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue. Ecrite particulierement sur des memoires manuscrits du P. Jean-Baptiste le Pers, Jesuite, missionnaire a Saint Domingue, & sur les pieces originales, qui se conservent au Depot de la marine
Histoire de l'Isle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue. Ecrite particulierement sur des memoires manuscrits du P. Jean-Baptiste le Pers, Jesuite, missionnaire a Saint Domingue, & sur les pieces originales, qui se conservent au Depot de la marine
4 items
History of Morehouse College, written on the authority of the Board of Trustees
History of Morehouse College, written on the authority of the Board of Trustees
4 items
History of the A.M.E. Zion Church in America; founded in 1796, in the city of New York
History of the A.M.E. Zion Church in America; founded in 1796, in the city of New York
4 items
Homes of the freed
Homes of the freed
4 items
Kliedzosie korpusi
Kliedzosie korpusi
4 items
Koyasu Monogatari
Koyasu Monogatari
4 items
L'Afrique équatoriale. Okanda, Bangouens, Osyéba
L'Afrique équatoriale. Okanda, Bangouens, Osyéba
4 items
Letters written during a tour through northern and eastern states of America
Letters written during a tour through northern and eastern states of America
4 items
Livy 3rd. decade
Livy 3rd. decade
4 items
Loie Fuller notebooks and letters, 1907-1911
Loie Fuller notebooks and letters, 1907-1911
4 items
Los proverbios
Los proverbios
4 items
4 items
Maps of South America
Maps of South America
4 items
Migratory cotton pickers in  Arizona, by Malcolm Brown and Orin Cassmore, under the  supervision of John N. Webb, chief, Urban Surveys Section, Division of Research.
Migratory cotton pickers in Arizona, by Malcolm Brown and Orin Cassmore, under the supervision of John N. Webb, chief, Urban Surveys Section, Division of Research.
4 items
Modern history; or, the present state of all nations
Modern history; or, the present state of all nations
4 items
My Miss Nancy
My Miss Nancy
4 items
My life and work
My life and work
4 items
Naboth's vineyard; the Dominican Republic, 1844-1924
Naboth's vineyard; the Dominican Republic, 1844-1924
4 items
Der Negeraufstand auf Jamaica; oder, Todeskampfe des Sclaventhums
Der Negeraufstand auf Jamaica; oder, Todeskampfe des Sclaventhums
4 items
New York Streets and Icons
New York Streets and Icons
4 items
Results 2,921 - 2,960 | Top
New travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1783, 84 and 85
New travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1783, 84 and 85
4 items
Nova pentas colleactionis suae craniorum diversarum gentium; tanquam complementum priorum decadum.
Nova pentas colleactionis suae craniorum diversarum gentium; tanquam complementum priorum decadum.
4 items
Orbis habitabilis oppida et vestitus, centenario numero complexa, summo studio collecta, atque in lucem edita à Carolo Allard
Orbis habitabilis oppida et vestitus, centenario numero complexa, summo studio collecta, atque in lucem edita à Carolo Allard
4 items
Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: and Poems upon several occasions.
Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: and Poems upon several occasions.
4 items
Peruvian portraits
Peruvian portraits
4 items
Pervyi sviatoi i serdechnyi dolg vernopoddannykh Russkago Tsaria....
Pervyi sviatoi i serdechnyi dolg vernopoddannykh Russkago Tsaria....
4 items
Physiognomy of tropical vegetation in South America; a series of views illustrating the primeval forests on the river Magdalena, and in the Andes of New Grenada.
Physiognomy of tropical vegetation in South America; a series of views illustrating the primeval forests on the river Magdalena, and in the Andes of New Grenada.
4 items
Promissio of Doge Tron
Promissio of Doge Tron
4 items
Repository of arts, literature, fashions, etc.
Repository of arts, literature, fashions, etc.
4 items
Shadow land; stories of the South
Shadow land; stories of the South
4 items
Silvia Dubois, (now 116 years old)
Silvia Dubois, (now 116 years old)
4 items
Song slides : reproductions of lantern slides illustrating early 20th century popular songs.
Song slides : reproductions of lantern slides illustrating early 20th century popular songs.
4 items
Teachers' year book colored schools
Teachers' year book colored schools
4 items
The American woman's home, or, Principles of domestic science : being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes
The American woman's home, or, Principles of domestic science : being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes
4 items
The Gospel among the slaves
The Gospel among the slaves
4 items
The Okavango River; a narrative of travel, exploration and adventure
The Okavango River; a narrative of travel, exploration and adventure
4 items
The Tea & coffee trade journal
The Tea & coffee trade journal
4 items
The Van Rensselaers of the manor of Rensselaerswyck
The Van Rensselaers of the manor of Rensselaerswyck
4 items
The black man of the South, and the Rebels, or,
The black man of the South, and the Rebels, or,
4 items
The colored inventor : a record of fifty years
The colored inventor : a record of fifty years
4 items
The devil between the white man and the Negro
The devil between the white man and the Negro
4 items
The grey river. By Justin McCarthy, Mrs. Campbell Praed and Mortimer Menpes
The grey river. By Justin McCarthy, Mrs. Campbell Praed and Mortimer Menpes
4 items
The highlands of Aethiopia
The highlands of Aethiopia
4 items
The illustrated bouquet
The illustrated bouquet
4 items
The philosophy of Negro suffrage
The philosophy of Negro suffrage
4 items
The slave trade; slavery and color
The slave trade; slavery and color
4 items
The twentieth century Union League directory
The twentieth century Union League directory
4 items
Thomas Nast, cartoonist and illustrator. Examples of his work ...
Thomas Nast, cartoonist and illustrator. Examples of his work ...
4 items
Three years travels from Moscow over-land to China:
Three years travels from Moscow over-land to China:
4 items
Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, 1850-1935, a collection of portraits of the first president of Czechoslovakia
Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, 1850-1935, a collection of portraits of the first president of Czechoslovakia
4 items
Travels in Brazil
Travels in Brazil
4 items
Travels in southern Africa in the years 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806
Travels in southern Africa in the years 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806
4 items
Voyages et descovvertvres faites en la Novvelle France, depuis l'année 1615. iusques à la fin de l'année 1618
Voyages et descovvertvres faites en la Novvelle France, depuis l'année 1615. iusques à la fin de l'année 1618
4 items
Vues pittoresques de l'Amérique
Vues pittoresques de l'Amérique
4 items
Weeden's history of the Colored people of Louisville; with an appendix containing letters from leading white citizen[s] touching upon Colored people's interests
Weeden's history of the Colored people of Louisville; with an appendix containing letters from leading white citizen[s] touching upon Colored people's interests
4 items
4 items
An authentic and faithful history of the mysterious murder
An authentic and faithful history of the mysterious murder
4 items
4 items
Two illuminated manuscript folios with unidentified text
Two illuminated manuscript folios with unidentified text
4 items
Posters: The Hanlon-Lees
Posters: The Hanlon-Lees
4 items
Results 2,961 - 3,000 | Top
An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe
An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe
4 items
Život, Výtvarný sbornik
Život, Výtvarný sbornik
4 items
Historiæ Animalium Lib
Historiæ Animalium Lib
4 items
The International studio
The International studio
4 items
Neue und curieuse theatralische Tantz-Schul: Teil I und II
Neue und curieuse theatralische Tantz-Schul: Teil I und II
4 items
Arbit Blatas original artwork
Arbit Blatas original artwork
4 items
4 items
Stormé DeLarverié photographs
Stormé DeLarverié photographs
4 items
Vulcan Society photograph collection
Vulcan Society photograph collection
4 items
Richard Saunders photographs
Richard Saunders photographs
4 items
National lyrics
National lyrics
4 items
Staff magazine
Staff magazine
4 items
Saint-Domingue a la veille de la revolution souvenirs du baron de Wimpffen
Saint-Domingue a la veille de la revolution souvenirs du baron de Wimpffen
4 items
Comfort stations in New York City
Comfort stations in New York City
4 items
Miscellaneous Collections: U.S. States and Territories
Miscellaneous Collections: U.S. States and Territories
4 items
Peter Stone papers
Peter Stone papers
4 items
Paul Robeson collection
Paul Robeson collection
4 items
Le théâtre italien de Gherardi, ou Le recueil général de toutes les comédies & scènes françoises jouées par les comédiens italiens du Roy
Le théâtre italien de Gherardi, ou Le recueil général de toutes les comédies & scènes françoises jouées par les comédiens italiens du Roy
4 items
Haitian Revolution, 1946
Haitian Revolution, 1946
4 items
4 items
Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea
Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea
4 items
4 items
Beethoven's Sonaten
Beethoven's Sonaten
4 items
Baron Byron, George Gordon Byron collection of papers
Baron Byron, George Gordon Byron collection of papers
4 items
Camera Club of New York records
Camera Club of New York records
4 items
Claire Clairmont manuscript material
Claire Clairmont manuscript material
4 items
James Reese Europe collection
James Reese Europe collection
4 items
Lawrence D. Reddick photograph collection
Lawrence D. Reddick photograph collection
4 items
Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-6 in H.M. ships 'Alert' and 'Discovery'
Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-6 in H.M. ships 'Alert' and 'Discovery'
4 items
Sy Oliver papers
Sy Oliver papers
4 items
Dorothy Frooks papers
Dorothy Frooks papers
4 items
James Van Der Zee portfolio
James Van Der Zee portfolio
4 items
Ziegler Polar Expedition
Ziegler Polar Expedition
4 items
Zoku Koya Bunk
Zoku Koya Bunk
4 items
Peary Arctic Expedition
Peary Arctic Expedition
4 items
Sala Garncarz Kirschner collection
Sala Garncarz Kirschner collection
4 items
John Keats collection of papers
John Keats collection of papers
4 items
New York Pro Musica records
New York Pro Musica records
4 items
The History of Negroes In North America,
The History of Negroes In North America,
4 items
Explorations in South-west Africa. Being an account of a journey in the years 1861 and 1862 from Walvisch bay, on the western coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls. By Thomas Baines.
Explorations in South-west Africa. Being an account of a journey in the years 1861 and 1862 from Walvisch bay, on the western coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls. By Thomas Baines.
4 items