CollectionsVon Brůder Rauschen: v̄n was wunders er getriben hat in einem Closter dar in er sybē iar sein zeit vertriben vnd gedienet hat in eins kochs gestalt
Von Brůder Rauschen: v̄n was wunders er getriben hat in einem Closter dar in er sybē iar sein zeit vertriben vnd gedienet hat in eins kochs gestalt
Content: Illustrations: one large woodcut on t. p., repeated on verso of t. p. and at end; woodcut side pieces throughout (9 cuts, with repeats) and woodcut borders on t. p. and verso of t. p., from Hupfuff's edition of Murner's Narrenbeschwörung, 1511.
Content: Binding, modern, of paper from an early printed book.