Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Collection Data

Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1788 - 1966
Place: Edinburgh
Publisher: The Society
Library locations
General Research Division
Shelf locator: *EC R876
Citation/reference: Life sciences collection
Citation/reference: GeoRef 0197-7482
Citation/reference: Biological abstracts 0006-3169
Citation/reference: Chemical abstracts 0009-2258
Citation/reference: Mathematical reviews 0025-5629
Citation/reference: Engineering index 0013-7960
Citation/reference: Index medicus 0019-3879
Citation/reference: Metals abstracts 0026-0924
Date/sequential designation: -v. 66, no. 18.
Date/sequential designation: Began with: Vol. 1 in 1783.
Content: Description based on: Vol. 64, no. 1; title from cover.
Content: List of fellows in v. 1-5, 7-16, 20-30, 32-33, 35-41, 45; continued since 1908 in the Proceedings, v. 28-
Numbering: The first 4 vols. are each in 3 sections: History of the society; Papers of the Physical class; Papers of the Literary class. The Literary class ceased to appear after v. 4; the "History", which appeared in v. 1-5, included the proceedings for 1783-1803, after which the publication of proceedings was suspended until Dec. 1832, when the society began to issue an independent series entitled Proceedings.
Numbering: Suspended 1804-Dec. 1832.
Content: Vols. 1 (1783)-34 (1888). 1 v.; Vols. 35 (1889)-46 (1908). 1 v.
Physical Description
Extent: 66 v. :ill., maps, tables ;28 cm.
Type of Resource
International Standard Serial Number: 0080-4568
Library of Congress Control Number: 06006384 //r843
RLIN/OCLC: 1360929
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b12317186
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 841d2400-c46d-013c-7892-0242ac110002
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x Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
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x Publisher: The Society
x Rights: Public Domain