"A monthly review and bulletin of new measures, new men, new books, new plays, new jokes, and new nonsense; being an act for the amalgamation of the broad gauge of fancy with the narrow gauge of fact into the grand general amusement junction"--Page [4] of covers, no. 1-9.
Content: "Edited by Albert Smith and Angus B. Reach; with cuts by Phiz, Kenny Meadows, Hine, Nicholson, Thomas, A. Mayhew, Smythe, Cham and others."
Content: "The pictorial department under the direction of Robert B.Brough"--Covers, no. 23-25.
Content: Arents copy: No. 1 lacks front cover; supplied from no. 13(Jan. 1848), with number and year altered to "1" and "1847."
Content: Arents copy: Provenance: Ja. Lomax, Stockport Advertiser; McKnight Crawford, Esq., Garvald House; Robert Cole Jr. (inscriptions on covers).
Content: Copy in NDF: Bound without covers. Poor condition. Many plates loose; many have separated along fold lines.
Content: Copy in NDF: Draper Fund.
Content: Each v. paged continuously.
Content: Editors: Jan. 1847-Feb. 1848, Albert Smith and Angus B. Reach; Mar. 1848-June 1849, Angus B. Reach; July-Aug. 1849,Robert B. Brough and William Brough.
Content: Issued in illustrated beige paper covers. Publisher's and general advertisements on covers and/or inserted in most issues.