James Gossage additions

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The collection documents the early years of Off-Off Broadway productions in New York City. It consists of black and white photographs by James D. Gossage of many of the productions staged at La Mama, Caffe Cino, Circle Repertory, Playwrights' Workshop and other small avant garde theaters as well as photographs of individuals at the forefront of the Off-Off Broadway movement: Joe Cino, Ellen Stewart, Leonard Melfi, Tom Eyen, Lanford Wilson, Marshall Mason, and others. Also includes a few photographs of theater interiors, three flyers, one program and an article about Caffe Cino written by Magie Dominic.
Gossage, James D. (Photographer)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1965 - 1975
Library locations
Billy Rose Theatre Division
Shelf locator: Gossage Additions (Uncat)
Off Off-Broadway theater
Theater -- New York (State) -- New York
Content: Collection, in one series: photographs, is arranged alphabetically by productions, then individuals, then theater interiors.
Physical Description
Extent: 1 linear foot (3 boxes)
Type of Resource
Still image
Other local Identifier: Gossage Additions (Uncat)
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 25a36230-0dc9-0131-9591-58d385a7bbd0
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