Craig-Duncan collection

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Collection Data

Theater artist and author Edward Gordon Craig's collection of materials relating to the dancer Isadora Duncan.
Craig, Edward Gordon, 1872-1966 (Creator)
Brouckère, Elise de (Contributor)
Cooper, J. Paul (Contributor)
Duncan, Irma (Contributor)
Duncan, Isadora, 1877-1927 (Contributor)
Duncan, Raymond, 1874-1966 (Contributor)
Endell, Fritz August Gottfried, 1873-1955 (Contributor)
Endell, Mary (Contributor)
Kessler, Harry, Graf, 1868-1937 (Contributor)
Lovel, Fenella (Contributor)
Meo, Elena, 1879-1957 (Contributor)
Rose, Barbara (Contributor)
Shaw, Martin, 1875-1958 (Contributor)
Terry, Ellen, Dame, 1847-1928 (Contributor)
Wallace, Richard, d. 1925 or 6 (Contributor)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1901 - 1957
Library locations
Jerome Robbins Dance Division
Shelf locator: (S) *MGZMC-Res. 2
Set designers
Duncan, Isadora, 1877-1927
Content: 263 letters, cards, notes, and telegrams from Isadora Duncan to Craig, 1904-1920, comprise the bulk of the collection and provide insights into her relationship with Craig, her intellectual and emotional life, her financial situation, and her struggles and triumphs in creating and performing dances. A group of letters written by Craig, mostly to Isadora Duncan, and never sent; letters to Craig from friends and family; photographs; Craig's drawings, notebooks, and sketchbooks; and ticket stubs and other miscellany, all relating to Isadora Duncan, complete the collection.
Content: The sketchbooks also contain a few of Craig's designs for The white fan, Bethlehem, and The Vikings. Many of the items in the collection, which also provide glimpses of Craig's activities and ideas, were annotated by Craig at various times during his life.
Content: Other correspondents are: Elise de Brouckère, J. Paul Cooper, Augustin Duncan, Elizabeth Duncan, Irma Duncan, Raymond Duncan, Fritz Endell, Mary Endell, Count Harry Kessler, Fenella Lovel, Elena Meo, Barbara Rose, Martin Shaw, Paris Singer, Dame Ellen Terry, and Richard Wallace.
Additional physical form: The collection has been microfilmed and only the microfilm is available on-site. Microfilm call number is *ZBD-75.
Physical Description
Extent: 360 folders (ca. 400 items)
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b12176902
MSS Unit ID: 19626
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): b816b550-0021-0138-2d9d-652d49603fba
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