Content: Collation of plates belonging or attributed to this series: 49 pen-and-ink drawings, 3 drawings colored with water colors, 7 engravings, one of which is a proof on China paper, 4 lithographs, 2 sketches.
Content: Collection of drawings, engravings and lithographs for theAmerican garden architecture which was to have been "published in monthly editions of six engravings, and descriptions, from January 1877," but actually never appeared. Title and index (2 leaves) have been printed, probably as an announcement of the publication.
Content: Furthermore are added: 12 architectural drawings (for Willow Brook cemetery, Capital grounds, Desmoines, Ia., etc.), 1 scrapbook, 5 sketches in water color, 11 drawings,and notes on J. Weidenmann (4 l. typewritten and 19 l. in photostat). Photograph of Jacob Weidenmann.