Alexandreida in Rima cauata dal latino

Collection Data

Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1521 (Inferred)
Place: Venetia
Publisher: Stampato per Bernardino de Viano de Lexona
Library locations
Spencer Collection
Shelf locator: Spencer Coll. Ital. 1521
Content: Binding, 20th(?) century, of three fourths red morocco, gilt.
Content: Illustrations: large woodcut on t. p. and 35 small cuts, including repeats, in the text.
Content: Last leaf blank.
Content: Sander 254. Essling 1752.
Content: With a Jepson bookplate.
Physical Description
Extent: 44 l. illus. 22cm. (4̕.)
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b16831952
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 50bc2860-c606-012f-b1d3-58d385a7bc34
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x Alexandreida in Rima cauata dal latino: nelaquale se tracta el nascimento; pueritia: adolescẽtia & giouentu de Alexandro Magno: cõ tutte le soi fatiche: battaglie e guerre cosi danimali come de homini: & come conquisto tuttol mondo: & come ando al Paradiso terrestro...con la morte sua. Nouamente historiato
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x Genre: Prints
x Rights: Public Domain